In June 2022, an intrepid group of EACC Cincinnati travelers will embark on an eight-day adventure to promote the U.S. and our region as a place to do business, help U.S. firms assess opportunities in Italy, build connections among peers and lay the groundwork for a new EACC chapter in Italy. With stops in Venice, Milan, Modena, Florence and more, our delegation will meet with Italian and other businesses, local and U.S. Government officials, and also have time to enjoy the sights and sounds (and tastes!) of Italy. We still have a few seats open, and our focus is on recruiting manufacturers to join our trip – especially those looking to launch or strengthen relationships with Italian suppliers, and/or those interested in starting or expanding exports to Italy.
Our intent is to make this kind of business development travel to Europe part of the EACC Cincinnati brand – we already have in mind a similar visit to France in 2023 and then Germany (or maybe Benelux?) in 2024. We also hope that our sister chapters in Europe might launch similar trips – wouldn’t it be great for us to host a delegation from EACC Paris or Lyon or Netherlands?
Many thanks to our planning committee of EACC Board Vice President Nelly Bonniol (Luxottica), EACC Board member Antonio Pagano (Modula) and Anne Cappel (Altix Consulting) for their hard work in conceiving and organizing what I’m sure will be a great visit.
If you are interested in joining the trip, or just want to learn more, please contact EACC Executive Director Todd Schwartz at – we’ll have an online briefing the morning of November 3 to explain the details!