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Paul Hemmer - Thought Leadership

Key Considerations for European Companies Relocating Operations to the U.S. Market
Locating and/or relocating operations from Europe to the United States involves navigating a complex landscape of logistical, legal, and cultural differences. As European Companies look to tap into the robust American market, understanding the implications of site selection, design-build processes, and facilities maintenance becomes pivotal. This article offers insights for transatlantic business leaders to make informed decisions when expanding their operations to the United States.
Strategic Site-Selection. Site selection plays a crucial role in business growth. There are many factors to include in the site selection process such as accessibility, workforce availability, economic incentives, and proximity to suppliers and market. These factors lead to the establishment of new businesses as well as stimulating existing ones to develop and expand. A company experienced in this area can provide valuable local insights and guidance.
Navigating Regulatory Landscapes. The regulatory environment in the U.S. can vary a great deal by state and municipality. Critical factors to consider when navigating regulatory landscapes include ensuring that the chosen site complies with zoning regulations, understanding the federal, state, and local environmental laws that could affect your operations, and preparing for the complexity and variability of obtaining permits. Collaborating with experts who are well-versed in federal, state, and local environmental laws and codes can make the compliance process much more manageable.
Embracing Design-Build Models. The design-build model is gaining in popularity in the U.S. for efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The design-build approach has many benefits for Transatlantic companies including an integrated, single-source approach, cost savings, and quality control. Combining design and construction services reduces miscommunication and accelerates project timelines, leading to higher-quality project outcomes and fewer risks for error. Design-build stands at the forefront of a successful and innovative project delivery.

Facilities Maintenance and Longevity. Maintaining facilities to the highest standards ensures operational efficiency and longevity. Several key elements of a successful operation include preventive maintenance, technological integration, and sustainability practices. Companies specializing in comprehensive facilities maintenance can offer tailored solutions to ensure your operations run smoothly.
Facilities Maintenance Considerations

Expanding operations to the United States presents a multitude of opportunities for European businesses. By carefully considering site selection, understanding regulatory landscapes, embracing design-build models, and prioritizing facility maintenance, transatlantic business leaders can set the foundation for successful and sustainable operations. While the journey may be challenging, leveraging the expertise of seasoned professionals in these areas can provide the support and insights needed to navigate this transition smoothly.

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